.. _skdh documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Oct 6 14:50:59 2020. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Scikit Digital Health ===================== .. image:: https://github.com/PfizerRD/scikit-digital-health/workflows/skdh/badge.svg :alt: GitHub Actions Badge `SciKit-Digital-Health` is a Python package with methods for reading, pre-processing, manipulating, and analyzing Inertial Meausurement Unit data. `scikit-digital-health` contains the following sub-modules: .. grid:: 1 2 2 2 :gutter: 2 .. grid-item-card:: :bdg-primary:`skdh.io` :img-top: _static/skdh_io.svg :link: skdh-io :link-type: ref .. grid-item-card:: :bdg-primary:`skdh.preprocessing` :img-top: _static/skdh_preproc.svg :link: skdh-preprocessing :link-type: ref .. grid-item-card:: :bdg-primary:`skdh.context` :img-top: _static/skdh_context.svg :link: skdh-context :link-type: ref .. grid-item-card:: :bdg-primary:`skdh.gait` :img-top: _static/skdh_gait.svg :link: skdh-gait :link-type: ref .. grid-item-card:: :bdg-primary:`skdh.sit2stand` :img-top: _static/skdh_s2s.svg :link: skdh-sit2stand :link-type: ref .. grid-item-card:: :bdg-primary:`skdh.activity` :img-top: _static/skdh_activity.svg :link: skdh-activity :link-type: ref .. grid-item-card:: :bdg-primary:`skdh.sleep` :img-top: _static/skdh_sleep.svg :link: skdh-sleep :link-type: ref .. grid-item-card:: :bdg-primary:`skdh.features` :img-top: _static/skdh_features.svg :link: skdh-features :link-type: ref .. grid-item-card:: :bdg-primary:`skdh.utility` :img-top: _static/skdh_utility.svg :link: skdh-utility :link-type: ref .. _ keep the toctree hidden for a cleaner landing page .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: src/installation src/usage src/dev/contributing ref/index src/research Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`